Category Archives: Hiking

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A Walk In The Park

One thing is for sure: It is winter in Ontario. This is a fact that most people I know are having a hard time coming to grips with. To be fair, I am also sick of hearing the term ‘Polar Vortex’ in the weather forcast,

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Sunrise At The Presqu’ile Ice Volcanoes

A few weeks ago when I first went to see the Ice Volcanoes at Presqu’ile Provincial Park, it was a cloudy stormy day, which normally has great appeal to me. But on that day, the light was just flat and fairly colourless. Since then, I’ve

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Winter Fun At The Frink

When we see freshly fallen snow, we just have to go play! One of our favourite places to go is the Frink Centre conservation area. It was a little tough for my son to go trudging though the snow, but he really wanted to get

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They Call It Lake Turbulent Now

Road To The Top Of Whiteface Mountain One of these days I’m going to grow a big lumberjack beard, replace all of my shirts with flannel ones (at least those that aren’t flannel already), procure a chocolate lab, build myself a cabin in the mountains

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Bruce Peninsula

Cliff jumping at Indian Head Cove What was that on the signs about no cliff jumping? I think it was something about how people die or get maimed… something like that. Either way, apparently nobody pays attention that nonsense. Dangerous or not, it sure looked

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Warsaw Caves

Have you seen The Decent? Me too. If you haven’t click the link and go watch the trailer so you have some idea what I’m talking about. Oddly enough, scenes from that movie was pretty much all I could think about while crawling into the

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Astrophotography and Other Algonquin Adventures

Lately I’ve taken an interest in astrophotography, but I have never really tried it before. When we decided to go camping in Algonquin last weekend I knew this could be a great opportunity. It’s far away from any big cities, so I knew light pollution