Category Archives: Music

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Art & Sound Festival – Afternoon Set

Alrighty folks, here is the first installment of photos from the Art & Sound Festival that was held in Frankford this past weekend. That’s right, there’s a lot more pictures to come in the second installment. There were so many, that I decided to split

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A Night At The Swindle Shoppe

On Friday night, I headed out to The Swindle Shoppe to check out some new bands…. and well, you know… take some photos and such. First up for the night was a fine young gentleman by the name of Sky Shaver. He was playing with the

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The Dead Sparrows Video Shoot

I’ll admit that when I first saw the invitation to attend the video shoot for The Dead Sparrows first video at the Swindle Shoppe, I wasn’t really interested in going. Not because I don’t love these guys, but because I had no desire to be IN the

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The Canadian Indie Indie Music Fest

The Reason Wowie Zowie, what a weekend. I spent at least a couple of hours of each of the past three days (in 30+ degree weather) at The Belleville Waterfront Festival and had an amazing time. But more on that later. The main event for me

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Goodbye Gorgeous Photoshoot

Last week I did a photoshoot with Goodbye Gorgeous down at Zwick’s Park. I was feeling a bit under the weather, but after having to reschedule several times, I sucked it up and headed out anyway. I made it through the night (although the following

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One Acre War Portraits

Last Friday I headed downtown to meet the boys from One Acre War to shoot a set of band promos and have a few laughs. This was my first time really putting my lighting setup to the test including my new DIY beauty dish made

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The Canadian Indie Music Fest

I have some time on my hands this morning (I’ll explain that later), so I thought it was a good time to write a rambling blog post on my website. If you’re not into that kind of thing (you really should be), I’ll cut to

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Band Portraits

Over the past few months I’ve spent a lot of time photographing as many bands as I could get out to see. Music photography was something that I had been wanting to do for a long time, but like many things in life, I just

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Inhale Marie CD Release

What do you get when you mix a CD release party and a farewell concert? Well as it turns out, if you throw in a little Kenny, some Goodbye Gorgeous, a couple of nutballs throwing down on the dance floor, and you stay until the

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Groundhogs Shmoundhogs

The Trudelles ‘Twas the night before Groundhog Day and all through the pub… well… I’m pretty sure everyone was stirring.  How could you not, with The Trudelles, One Acre War, Vatican Assasins, Kenny and These Dudes all in one show? I’ve seen, and photographed The